Python: Converting Numbers to Words

One of my first self-imposed projects at my job was to recreate a certain annoying application that was a Frankenstein monster: a Microsoft Access file with a VBA GUI. For the most part, the application didn't even have a database. Anyway, part of the application allowed the user to type in an amount for a check and the VBA code would magically translate the numbers into the text you would normally write on a check. For example, let's say I wrote a check for $1,234.56. It would translate that to "one thousand two hundred thirty four dollars and fifty six cents". I needed a way to do the same thing in Python!

I spent quite some time trying to come up with the correct word formula to put into Google that would return what I needed. Unfortunately, after much labor and a fair bit of frantic typing, I came up with nothing. I had found something that no one in Pythondom had ever done!!! Or my Google-fu was bad that day, but I want to think it was the former.

The VBA code had a clue that I no longer recall. I think it was the name of the VBA library that did the trick. Anyway, whatever it was led me to the following code (note: the link below no longer works):

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Convert number to English words
$./ 1411893848129211
one quadrillion, four hundred and eleven trillion, eight hundred and ninety 
three billion, eight hundred and forty eight million, one hundred and twenty 
nine thousand, two hundred and eleven

Algorithm from

# modified to exclude the "and" between hundreds and tens - mld

__author__ = 'Miki Tebeka '
__version__ = '$Revision: 7281 $'

# $Source$

import math

# Tokens from 1000 and up
    'million ',
    'thousand ',

# Tokens up to 90
_SMALL = {
    '0' : '',
    '1' : 'one',
    '2' : 'two',
    '3' : 'three',
    '4' : 'four',
    '5' : 'five',
    '6' : 'six',
    '7' : 'seven',
    '8' : 'eight',
    '9' : 'nine',
    '10' : 'ten',
    '11' : 'eleven',
    '12' : 'twelve',
    '13' : 'thirteen',
    '14' : 'fourteen',
    '15' : 'fifteen',
    '16' : 'sixteen',
    '17' : 'seventeen',
    '18' : 'eighteen',
    '19' : 'nineteen',
    '20' : 'twenty',
    '30' : 'thirty',
    '40' : 'forty',
    '50' : 'fifty',
    '60' : 'sixty',
    '70' : 'seventy',
    '80' : 'eighty',
    '90' : 'ninety'

def get_num(num):
    '''Get token <= 90, return '' if not matched'''
    return _SMALL.get(num, '')

def triplets(l):
    '''Split list to triplets. Pad last one with '' if needed'''
    res = []
    for i in range(int(math.ceil(len(l) / 3.0))):
        sect = l[i * 3 : (i + 1) * 3]
        if len(sect) < 3: # Pad last section
            sect += [''] * (3 - len(sect))
    return res

def norm_num(num):
    """Normelize number (remove 0's prefix). Return number and string"""
    n = int(num)
    return n, str(n)

def small2eng(num):
    '''English representation of a number <= 999'''
    n, num = norm_num(num)
    hundred = ''
    ten = ''
    if len(num) == 3: # Got hundreds
        hundred = get_num(num[0]) + ' hundred'
        num = num[1:]
        n, num = norm_num(num)
    if (n > 20) and (n != (n / 10 * 10)): # Got ones
        tens = get_num(num[0] + '0')
        ones = get_num(num[1])
        ten = tens + ' ' + ones
        ten = get_num(num)
    if hundred and ten:
        return hundred + ' ' + ten
        #return hundred + ' and ' + ten
    else: # One of the below is empty
        return hundred + ten

#FIXME: Currently num2eng(1012) -> 'one thousand, twelve'
# do we want to add last 'and'?
def num2eng(num):
    '''English representation of a number'''
    num = str(long(num)) # Convert to string, throw if bad number
    if (len(num) / 3 >= len(_PRONOUNCE)): # Sanity check
        raise ValueError('Number too big')
    if num == '0': # Zero is a special case
        return 'zero'

    # Create reversed list
    x = list(num)
    pron = [] # Result accumolator
    ct = len(_PRONOUNCE) - 1 # Current index
    for a, b, c in triplets(x): # Work on triplets
        p = small2eng(c + b + a)
        if p:
            pron.append(p + ' ' + _PRONOUNCE[ct])
        ct -= 1
    # Create result
    return ', '.join(pron)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv, exit
    from os.path import basename
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print 'usage: %s NUMBER[s]' % basename(argv[0])
    for n in argv[1:]:
            print num2eng(n)
        except ValueError, e:
            print 'Error: %s' % e

I modified the code slightly as noted in the comments in the code to match what the VBA code did. Other than that, it's exactly as I found it. I won't explain this piece as it's kind of fun to figure it out for yourself. Hope you like it!

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