A couple months ago, I told my readership that my organization wasn't going to pay my way to PyCon and wondered if they would help me. I got mixed results and dropped that idea. Then my boss said he was going to try to make it so I could go and he did. So I made it to PyCon after all. I got in yesterday afternoon, after much confusion with the strange Atlanta shuttle service who put me in multiple vans before finally bringing me to the hotel.
So far, I've met a few people and seen some acquaintances. I also did some volunteer work last night. Today I went to my first tutorial of the day, but I'll write about both of those activities in separate posts. For this short one, I wanted to get feedback and ideas. Let me know what you want to see and if I can fit it into my schedule, I'll check it out and write about it. Check out the PyCon schedule to get some ideas. Thanks!
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