Book Preview: Building Machine Learning Systems with Python


Earlier this year, Packt Publishing asked me to be a technical reviewer of one of their upcoming books, "Building Machine Learning Systems with Python" by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho. Now the book is available for purchase and they have asked me to write a little about it. I haven't read through the finished product myself, so I don't know if the authors followed any of my advice, but I should note that English appeared to be their second language, so the book will likely be a little rough.

However, the content is interesting and I thought it was fairly comprehensive. They appeared to know what they were talking about. A lot of this book is over my head as I am not a scientist or engineer in the topic that this book covers. Basically, this book is about data mining using scikit-learn, mahotas and jug. You will learn about such heady topics as computer vision, basket analysis, how to classify data, etc.

You can check the book out on Packt's website or on Amazon.

UPDATE (2013-08-22) - One of the authors commented on this post to let me know that they've cleaned up the text.

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