Python 101 Screencast Kickstarter Update

Over the weekend, I recorded my first official screencast for my Python 101 Kickstarter. It's basically beta quality right now, but I want to get your feedback. The first video is based on chapter 2 and covers Python strings. It ended up clocking in at a little over 13 minutes, which surprised me a bit.

Here's what I'd like to know from you, dear reader:

  • What did you like / dislike?
  • What was missing?
  • Was it too long?

After getting it done, I can see lots of different approaches for improving it. For one thing, I personally thought it was too long. I think it might be better to break this chapter down into 2-4 videos to make them a bit more digestible. This would also allow me to cover some of the sub-topics more in-depth without boring the listener and also have the nice side effect of trimming each video down to a core element.

Anyway, I look forward to what you have to say. Here's the video:


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