I am happy to announce that I now have all the chapters for my latest book, wxPython Cookbook, ready to be checked out. I still consider the book to be in beta mode as I need to go through each chapter and check them over as much as possible this month, but I am also pretty confident that the book is over 90% complete. Some chapters still need a screenshot or two added and I also plan to add another chapter or two as well.
For those of you who like raw data, there are currently 51 recipes in the book + the introduction and installation chapters. There are over 300 pages of content, which is more than either of my previous books!
I hope to do some polishing this week by adding the missing screenshots and also writing a brand new chapter. I am also hoping to get some of the code examples into Github this week. I do apologize for the delay in getting that done. Life has been really crazy on my end.
You can get early access to the book on Leanpub and Gumroad. You will also receive the final product + updates if you purchase the book from either of those websites. You can also check out the original Kickstarter campaign to learn more about the book.
Thanks again for all your support!
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