ANN: Python 101 Website

After making my first book, Python 101, freely available, I have been investigating the best way to make its contents available online as well. Since I write all my books in RestructuredText, I had a few options. I ended up going with Sphinx for now, but I may end up switching to something else in the future.

Sphinx is the documentation tool used by the Python language for their documentation and it is also the backbone of Read the Docs, which is a website of documentation for 3rd party Python packages. I tried the default Sphinx theme of Alabaster, but it didn't have the two features I most wanted:

  • Mobile friendly
  • Next / Previous buttons to make chapter navigation easy

Or at least it didn't appear to be easy to modify to make these features available. So I ended up switching to the Read the Docs theme as it had both of those features. You can check out the book at the following URL:

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