The Ultimate Programmer Super Stack Bundle

I recently had the opportunity to get my second book, Python 201: Intermediate Python added to a bundle of other interesting programming books.

It is called The Ultimate Programmer Super Stack and it is is a hand-curated collection of 25+ premium ecourses, bestselling ebooks, and bonus resources that will help new programmers:


  1. Learn a wide range of today’s most popular (and lucrative) languages and frameworks, including everything from Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, to HTML, CSS, and Kotlin, and more…
  2. Discover how to build APIs, websites, and iOS and Android applications from scratch
  3. Uncover the ‘Business of Software’ (how computer programs work, how computer programmers think, and how to start your very own computer programming business)
  4. Master the soft skills you need to become ‘Coder Complete’ (this stuff will have a huge impact on your career, believe me)


And much more.

Here are just a few highlights that you’ll find inside the Stack:

  1. “Python Tricks: A Buffet of Awesome Python Features” by Dan Bader (retail value: $29.00). Dan is the founder of, where his articles, videos, and trainings have reached over one million developers around the world. This is one of his bestselling books a great place to start whether you’re brand new to Python, or looking to master the craft and become a certified Pythonista.
  2. “Build APIs You Won't Hate” by Phil Sturgeon (retail value: $26.99). Phil is an API designer and systems architect, currently helping WeWorK to scale their APIs to handle more traffic, be more resistant to change, and not fall like dominoes when one of them has a bad time. Phil is regarded as one of the leading experts on API’s, and this book is like a deep dive into his brain.
  3. “The Top 1% Developer - iOS Edition” by Grant Klimaytys (retail value: $197.00). Grant is the founder of Learn App Development, where he’s coached over 120,000 students worldwide on how to become professional app developers. Inside this premium course, you will learn how to code for iPhone from scratch, understand the basics of software creation (applicable to any language), and even create your own apps to start earning passive income on the App Store (winner winner, chicken dinner!)

 Check it out here

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