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Author: Mike

PyCon 2010: Friday - Session 3

February 20, 2010 by Mike
The third session only was only two talks long. I decided to check out Ecommerce in Python: Introduction to Satchmo and GetPaid (#144) by Christopher Johnson and Chris Moffett. My primary reason for attending this talk is because I've thought that opening an online store sounds really interesting and I might be able to use […]

PyCon 2010: Friday - Session 2

February 19, 2010 by Mike
For Session 2, I decided to volunteer as a Session Chair, which means that I basically would introduce the speakers and try to keep them from talking too long. My first speaker was Tarek Ziade and he spoke on The State of Packaging. He spoke mostly about distutils, setuptools (easy_install) and pip during the first […]

PyCon 2010: Friday (2010/02/19) - Session One

February 19, 2010 by Mike
I went to three sessions in the morning: Building Leafy Chat, A Short Pinax Tutorial and Import This, that and the other thing: custom importers. If you're interested, you can read on to see what I thought.

PyCon 2010: Friday Plenaries

February 19, 2010 by Mike
It's the first official day of PyCon: Friday, February 19th, 2010. In my experience, PyCon plenaries can either be really interesting or extremely boring. I've rarely seen one that was in the middle. The chairman of PyCon is Van Lindberg (The Python Software Foundation's lawyer, I think). Steve Holden was the first plenary speaker.

Book Preview: Python Testing - Beginner's Guide

February 17, 2010 by Mike
I was contacted this week to review a new book from Packt Publishing entitled "Python Testing: Beginner's Guide" by Daniel Arbuckle (no relation to Garfield's master as far as I can tell). I haven't received the book yet, but you can read about it on their website. I also found the book on Amazon. Alas, […]

Python, Windows and Printers

February 14, 2010 by Mike
I do a fair amount of technical support in addition to my software development. In our small shop, we get to troubleshoot anything that is related to technology, from networks to software to printers. I think one of the most annoying aspects is trying to get printers to work the way the user wants. Another […]
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