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Author: Mike

The "Book" Controls of wxPython (Part 1 of 2)

December 3, 2009 by Mike
If you're new to GUI programming (and wxPython in particular), you may not know what a "book" control is. It may be that other languages call this control something different too. In wxPython, a book control allows the user to switch between various panels. The most common examples are browsers and system option dialogs with […]

wxPython: Refactoring Your Program

November 11, 2009 by Mike
There is a lot of bad code in the world. My objective in this article is to help wxPython programmers learn how to make their applications easier to maintain and modify. It should be noted that what is in this article is not necessarily the so-called "best" way to refactor a program; instead the following […]

Pyowa - October 2009 Meeting Wrap-up

October 2, 2009 by Mike
We had out October Pyowa meeting last night and I thought it was very interesting. We had an executive from a local technology company called Priority5 come out and he told us how he got started with Python and how they use it at his current employer's. We also had a talk on Optparse, ConfigParser […]

wxPython: Resetting the Background Color

September 3, 2009 by Mike
The last couple weeks, I've seen multiple people ask about resetting the color of a widget back to its original "default" color. There was at least one guy on the wxPython mailing list and another on their IRC channel that requested info on this topic. When I first looked up this issue, it was for […]

wxPython: Catching Key and Char Events

August 29, 2009 by Mike
In this post, I'll detail how to catch specific key presses and why this can be useful. This is another in my series of "requested" tutorials. There really isn't much to catching key presses, but it can be a little confusing when one widget behaves slightly differently from another. The really complicated stuff comes in […]

wxPython: Learning to Focus

August 27, 2009 by Mike
I had a request this week to write up a quick tutorial on focus events in wxPython. Fortunately, there's not a lot of material to cover on this subject, so this should be a pretty quick and dirty little post. I'll see you after the jump!
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