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Author: Mike

PyCon 2009 - Open Space and Other Highlights

March 31, 2009 by Mike
Now that I've covered the major stuff that I went to at PyCon 2009, I thought I should write a quick note about the other stuff I saw and did. I already mentioned going to the Open Space for Authors and Editors and the wxPython BoF, so I won't rehash those here.

PyCon 2009 - Reddit Keynote and Morning Talks (Sunday)

March 31, 2009 by Mike
On Sunday, I went to the morning lightning talks a little late. None of them really jumped out at me as I was distracted by updating this blog and trying to update myself on other things. I'm sure I missed out on some good stuff, though. What I didn't miss was the Reddit keynote.

PyCon 2009 - Teach Me Web Testing (Saturday)

March 29, 2009 by Mike
From 4-5:15, Steve Holden held a Teach Me Web Testing Open Space session in which he set up his laptop and a projector, loaded his website, put some whiskey and vodka out on a table and then asked the crowd to teach him how to test his website using tools written in Python.

PyCon 2009 - Saturday Afternoon Talks

March 29, 2009 by Mike
In the afternoon of the 2nd official day of PyCon 2009, I started off the talks with Ed Leafe's Dabo talk on web applications using Dabo. He used a product that they have created called Springboard that kind of does a Google Gears type of interaction with the web.

PyCon 2009 - Saturday Morning

March 29, 2009 by Mike
I didn’t get a chance to write about what happened on Saturday at PyCon, so here’s a quick rundown of what I saw and did in the morning: I walked over to the Hyatt from Crowne Plaza with a researcher from Belgium. Then I attended the morning lightning talks and Guido’s keynote.

PyCon 2009 - wxPython BoF Meeting

March 28, 2009 by Mike
On March 27th, 2009, we held a Birds of a Feather (BoF) meeting at PyCon 2009. I stuck it on the Open Space board and we had around 18 people show up with a couple that would drift in and out of the room. I think it was one of the high points for me […]
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