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Author: Mike

PyCon 2009 Day 1 - Plenary and Morning Lightning

March 27, 2009 by Mike
On March 27th,  2009, PyCon Chicago really started off. Some might call the previous two days of tutorials a pre-PyCon, but the "real" conference didn't start until today. This morning, the organizers have scheduled an opening Plenary and some morning lightning talks. After the lightning is over, we have a break and then it's on […]

PyCon 2009 Tutorial Days

March 26, 2009 by Mike
Today the Pycon 2009 tutorial days finished. I attended both TurboGears classes on Wednesday, and then I went to the Py.Test and Internet Programming classes on Thursday. The TurboGears classes were mostly led by Mark Ramm, one of the core TG developers. Unfortunately, his class notes, slides and code samples were riddled with errors and […]

XKCD Artist Banned From PyCon

February 11, 2009 by Mike
Last week, PyCon officials banned Randall Munroe of the webcomic, XKCD from PyCon. This is an odd move after licensing one of his comics for last year's conference. Of course, if you look at the PyCon mailing list's archives, you'll soon realize that this is a publicity stunt and they are instead trying very hard […]

Feb. 5th - 2009 Pyowa Meeting Wrap-up

February 6, 2009 by Mike
At our Pyowa meeting last night, we had 7 new people plus myself. I thought it was a good turnout considering 5 people dropped out over the past few days. We spoke a little about having a Python Day of our own, but we didn't really come up with much. Thus, I am asking for […]

PyCon 2009 is coming and I'm going!

January 31, 2009 by Mike
PyCon 2009 will be in Chicago, IL again starting Friday, March 27. Last year there was over 1000 people there and I know there are hopes that the attendance record of yesteryear will be broken yet again this year. I am going to this year for my 2nd time.

Pyowa Meeting for February 2009

January 31, 2009 by Mike
At the last Pyowa (Iowa Python Users Group) meeting, we decided that we would put out a survey to see what we could do to draw more people to our group. The responses led us to decide to try out a different schedule. We will try meeting a different day of the week at a […]
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