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Author: Mike

wxPython: Working with Menus, Toolbars and Accelerators

July 2, 2008 by Mike
Menus and toolbars are used in just about every modern program in existence, barring the ones that only run from the command line. In this post, we'll learn how to create them using the wxPython toolkit. Here's what you'll need to follow along: Python 2.3 - 2.5 wxPython (I recommend 2.7 or higher)

wxPython: Creating an About box

June 11, 2008 by Mike
When I create an application, I usually want to include an "About" box to let the user know more about the application, myself and to give shout outs to anyone who may have helped in the creation of my program. One cool feature wxPython provides is a custom AboutBox widget. I think it looks a […]

Putting together a wxPython Application

June 9, 2008 by Mike
About a week ago, I wrote that I was working on a sample application that I would be posting here. As I worked on it, I realized that I needed to figure out a way to break it up in a way that was simple, organized and generic. Thus, I decided to create a series […]

Sizer Tutorials Get the Wiki

May 29, 2008 by Mike
As planned, I copied some of my tutorials to the official wxPython wiki. Currently I only have the sizer tutorials over there. I am working on a series that will show how to build a simple application from the ground up. Hopefully I can take the bits and pieces of it and make it easy […]

wxPython: Embedding an image in your title bar

May 23, 2008 by Mike
I received a question about how to put an image in my frame's toolbar on Windows. As it is, the toolbar just uses a generic icon. There are three ways that I am aware of. The first is to get an embedded image out of an executable. The second is to take some image you […]

wxPython Sizers Tutorial: Using a GridBagSizer

May 22, 2008 by Mike
In this tutorial, I will take my code from the GridSizer tutorial I wrote the other day and heavily modify it to display oddly shaped widgets in a GridBagSizer. The GridBagSizer is the most complex of the sizers. It subclasses the FlexGridSizer, so you can use all of it's parent's methods as well as those […]
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