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Category: Testing

An article on Python testing and possibly debugging

Python Code Kata: Fizzbuzz

September 18, 2019 by Mike
A code kata is a fun way for computer programmers to practice coding. They are also used a lot for learning how to implement Test Driven Development (TDD) when writing code. One of the popular programming katas is called FizzBuzz. This is also a popular interview question for computer programmers. The concept behind FizzBuzz is […]

An Intro to coverage.py

July 20, 2016 by Mike
Coverage.py is a 3rd party tool for Python that is used for measuring your code coverage. It was originally created by Ned Batchelder. The term "coverage" in programming circles is typically used to describe the effectiveness of your tests and how much of your code is actually covered by tests. You can use coverage.py with […]

Python 201: An Intro to mock

July 19, 2016 by Mike
The unittest module now includes a mock submodule as of Python 3.3. It will allow you to replace portions of the system that you are testing with mock objects as well as make assertions about how they were used. A mock object is used for simulating system resources that aren't available in your test environment. […]

Python 3 Testing: An Intro to unittest

July 7, 2016 by Mike
The unittest module is actually a testing framework that was originally inspired by JUnit. It currently supports test automation, the sharing of setup and shutdown code, aggregating tests into collections and the independence of tests from the reporting framework. The unittest frameworks supports the following concepts: Test Fixture - A fixture is what is used […]

Python: Create Fake Data with Faker

June 18, 2014 by Mike
Every once in a while, I run into a situation where I need dummy data to test my code against. If you need to do tests on a new database or table, you will run into the need for dummy data often. I recently came across an interesting package called Faker. Faker's sole purpose is […]

Python Testing with doctest

March 17, 2014 by Mike
Python includes a couple of modules for testing in its standard library: doctest and unittest. We will be looking at doctest in this article. The doctest module will search for pieces of text in your code that resemble interactive Python sessions. It will then execute those sessions to verify that they work exactly as written. […]
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