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Python: An Intro to Regular Expressions

June 8, 2016 by Mike
Regular expressions are basically a tiny language all their own that you can use inside of Python and many other programming languages. You will often hear regular expressions referred to as "regex", "regexp" or just "RE". Some languages, such as Perl and Ruby, actually support regular expression syntax directly in the language itself. Python only […]

PyDev of the Week: Kenneth Reitz

June 6, 2016 by Mike
This week we welcome Kenneth Reitz (@kennethreitz) as our PyDev of the Week! Kenneth is the developer behind the Requests package, which is one of my favorites. He is also the co-author of the upcoming O'Reilly Book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python. You can visit his website to see what he's been up to or […]

PyDev of the Week: R. David Murray

May 30, 2016 by Mike
This week we welcome R. David Murray (@rdavidmurray) as our PyDev of the Week. Mr. Murray is a core developer of the Python language and is currently maintainer of the email module. He has a Python blog, although it hasn't been updated in a while. You might want to check out his Github profile to […]

Python 201: An Intro to importlib

May 27, 2016 by Mike
Python provides the importlib package as part of its standard library of modules. Its purpose is to provide the implementation to Python's import statement (and the __import__() function). In addition, importlib gives the programmer the ability to create their own custom objects (AKA an importer) that can be used in the import process. What about […]

Python 201 - super

May 25, 2016 by Mike
I've written about super briefly in the past, but decided to take another go at writing something more interesting about this particular Python function. The super built-in function was introduced way back in Python 2.2. The super function will return a proxy object that will delegate method calls to a parent or sibling class of […]

Python 101: An Intro to Benchmarking your code

May 24, 2016 by Mike
What does it mean to benchmark ones code? The main idea behind benchmarking or profiling is to figure out how fast your code executes and where the bottlenecks are. The main reason to do this sort of thing is for optimization. You will run into situations where you need your code to run faster because […]
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