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wxPython: How to Create a Generic Wizard

July 12, 2012 by Mike
The other day on StackOverflow I saw someone who was struggling with the Wizard widget from wxPython. The wizard doesn't allow much customization when it comes to its buttons, so I decided to see how hard it would be to just write my own Wizard. This code is pretty limited, but here's my first beta […]

PyPDF2: The New Fork of pyPdf

July 11, 2012 by Mike
Today I learned that the pyPDF project is NOT dead, as I had originally thought. In fact, it's been forked into PyPDF2 (note the slightly different spelling). There's also a possibility that someone else has taken over the original pyPDF project and is actively working on it. You can follow all that over on reddit […]

An Intro to pyfpdf - A Simple Python PDF Generation Library

July 10, 2012 by Mike
Today we'll be looking at a simple PDF generation library called pyfpdf, a port of FPDF which is a php library. This is not a replacement for Reportlab, but it does give you more than enough to create simple PDFs and may meet your needs. Let's take a look and see what it can do! […]

Python 201: An Intro to distutils

July 9, 2012 by Mike
Last time we learned how to create modules and packages. Today we're going to take the package we created and use Python's distutils to create a couple different ways to distribute our code. In this tutorial, we'll be learning the following: How to create a setup.py file How to create a source distribution How to […]

Python 201: Creating Modules and Packages

July 8, 2012 by Mike
Creating Python modules is something that most Python programmers do every day. Any time you save a new Python script, you have created a new module. You can import your module into other modules. A package is a collection of modules. The things you import into your scripts from the standard library are modules or […]

A Quick Intro to pdfrw

July 7, 2012 by Mike
I'm always on the lookout for Python PDF libraries and I happened to stumble across pdfrw the other day. It looks like a replacement to pyPDF in that it can read and write PDFs, join PDFs and can use Reportlab for concatenation and watermarking, among other things. The project also appears slightly dead in that […]
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