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wxPython: An Introduction to Grids

March 18, 2010 by Mike
The grid widget in wxPython is one of the most complex GUI elements that you'll work with in this toolkit. In this article you will learn the basics of grid creation and usage. One of the major uses for a grid is to display tabular data. Another use is to create some kind of spreadsheet. […]

A Simple Step-by-Step Reportlab Tutorial

March 8, 2010 by Mike
The subtitle for this article could easily be "How To Create PDFs with Python", but WordPress doesn't support that. Anyway, the premier PDF library in Python is Reportlab. It is not distributed with the standard library, so you'll need to download it if you want to run the examples in this tutorial. There will also […]

Book Review: Python Testing

March 6, 2010 by Mike
Before PyCon, I was approached by a representative from Packt Publishing to review one of their books. They wanted me to read Daniel Arbuckle's Python Testing: Beginner's Guide. I'm not really into testing frameworks or test driven development and thought this would be a good excuse to learn the methodology and see if it was […]

Python: Finding the Commit Charge Values in Windows

March 5, 2010 by Mike
This week I was tasked with trying to find a way to find out what the Peak Commit value was on our virtual workstations. The reason being that we are trying to save money and were wondering if we were allocating too much memory or not. We didn't need the Total Commit Charge or the […]

Finding Installed Software using Python

March 3, 2010 by Mike
Have you ever wondered what software was installed on your PC? Most people who use Windows would probably go to Add/Remove Programs to find out this information, but they're not programmers. No, programmers have to script it because it's just in our blood to do so. I actually had another reason to do so: my […]

PyCon 2010 and Volunteering

February 28, 2010 by Mike
This year, I decided to volunteer at PyCon. At both my previous PyCons, I had planned to help, but wasn't sure how to join in. The evening before the tutorials started in 2009, I wandered all over the hotel looking for PyCon staff and found no one. Once the tutorials started, I felt pretty drained […]
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