After Pycon was over, I contacted the people on the python group organizers mailing list to see how to get contacts from publishers in the hopes of gathering contacts and acquiring some swag for the Iowa Python Users Group (AKA Pyowa) meetings.
Now that I've covered the major stuff that I went to at PyCon 2009, I thought I should write a quick note about the other stuff I saw and did. I already mentioned going to the Open Space for Authors and Editors and the wxPython BoF, so I won't rehash those here.
On Sunday, I went to the morning lightning talks a little late. None of them really jumped out at me as I was distracted by updating this blog and trying to update myself on other things. I'm sure I missed out on some good stuff, though. What I didn't miss was the Reddit keynote.
From 4-5:15, Steve Holden held a Teach Me Web Testing Open Space session in which he set up his laptop and a projector, loaded his website, put some whiskey and vodka out on a table and then asked the crowd to teach him how to test his website using tools written in Python.
In the afternoon of the 2nd official day of PyCon 2009, I started off the talks with Ed Leafe's Dabo talk on web applications using Dabo. He used a product that they have created called Springboard that kind of does a Google Gears type of interaction with the web.
I didn’t get a chance to write about what happened on Saturday at PyCon, so here’s a quick rundown of what I saw and did in the morning: I walked over to the Hyatt from Crowne Plaza with a researcher from Belgium. Then I attended the morning lightning talks and Guido’s keynote.