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An Intro to Python Editors

September 26, 2021 by Mike
The Python programming language comes with its own built-in Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called IDLE. The name, IDLE, supposedly came from the actor, Eric Idle, who was a part of the Monty Python troupe, which is what Python itself is named after. IDLE comes with Python on Windows and some Linux variants. You may need […]

Converting CSV to Excel with Python

September 25, 2021 by Mike
There are many common file types that you will need to work with as a software developer. One such format is the CSV file. CSV stands for "Comma-Separated Values" and is a text file format that uses a comma as a delimiter to separate values from one another. Each row is its own record and […]

Python 101 - Assignment Expressions

September 24, 2021 by Mike
Assignment expressions were added to Python in version 3.8. The general idea is that an assignment expression allows you to assign to variables within an expression. The syntax for doing this is: NAME := expr This operator has been called the "walrus operator", although their real name is "assignment expression". Interestingly, the CPython internals also […]

Python 101 - How to Create a Python Package

September 23, 2021 by Mike
When you create a Python file, you are creating a Python module. Any Python file that you create can be imported by another Python script. Thus, by definition, it is also a Python module. If you have two or more related Python files, then you may have a Python package. Some organizations keep all their […]

Creating an MP3 Tagger GUI with wxPython

September 22, 2021 by Mike
I don't know about you, but I enjoy listening to music. As an avid music fan, I also like to rip my CDs to MP3 so I can listen to my music on the go a bit easier. There is still a lot of music that is unavailable to buy digitally. Unfortunately, when you rip […]

How to Send Emails with Python

September 21, 2021 by Mike
Python provides a couple of really nice modules that you can use to craft emails with. They are the email and smtplib modules. Instead of going over various methods in these two modules, you'll spend some time learning how to actually use these modules. Specifically, you'll be covering the following: The basics of emailing How […]
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