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Python 101 - Exception Handling

June 17, 2020 by Mike
Creating software is hard work. To make your software better, your application needs to keep working even when the unexpected happens. For example, let's say your application needs to pull information down from the Internet. What happens if the person using your application loses their Internet connectivity? Another common issue is what to do if […]

Python 101 - Working with Strings (Video)

June 16, 2020 by Mike
Learn how to use Strings in Python in this screencast. This video is based on a chapter from my book, Python 101 2nd Edition. You can read the written version here: Python 101: Working with Strings

PyDev of the Week: Kyle Stanley

June 15, 2020 by Mike
This week we welcome Kyle Stanley (@aeros_py) as our PyDev of the Week! Kyle is a core developer of the Python programming language. If you'd like to see what Kyle is working on, you can check out his Github profile. You can also connect with Kyle on LinkedIn. Let's spend some time getting to know […]

PyDev of the Week: Dong-hee Na

June 8, 2020 by Mike
This week we welcome Dong-hee Na (@dongheena92) as our PyDev of the Week! Dong-hee is a core developer of the Python programming language. You can see some of what he has been working on over on Github. Let's take some time to get to know him better! Can you tell us a little about yourself […]

PyDev of the Week: Seth Michael Larson

June 1, 2020 by Mike
This week we welcome Seth Michael Larson (@sethmlarson) as our PyDev of the Week! Seth is the lead maintainer of urllib3. He also writes a Python blog. You can see some of Seth's other contributions over on Github. Let's take a few moments to get to know Seth better! Can you tell us a little […]

Python 101 - Learning About Loops

May 27, 2020 by Mike
There are many times when you are writing code that you will need to find a way to iterate over something. Perhaps you'll need to iterate over the letters in a string or the objects in a list. The process of iterating over something is done via a loop. A loop is a programming construct […]
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