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Tag: Flask

Flask 101: Filtering Searches and Deleting Data

December 15, 2017 by Mike
Last time we got our Flask based music database application partially functional. It could now add data to the database, edit said data and also display everything in the database. But we didn't cover how to filter the data by using the user's filter choice (Artist, Album name or publisher name) and search string. We […]

Flask 101: Adding, Editing and Displaying Data

December 14, 2017 by Mike
Last time we learned how to add a search form to our music database application. Of course, we still haven't added any data to our database, so the search form doesn't actually do much of anything except tell us that it didn't find anything. In this tutorial we will learn how to actually add data, […]

Flask 101: How to Add a Search Form

December 13, 2017 by Mike
In our last article, we added a database to our Flask web application, but didn't have a way to add anything to our database. We also didn't have a way to view anything, so basically we ended up having a pretty useless web application. This article will take the time to teach you how to […]

Flask 101: Adding a Database

December 12, 2017 by Mike
Last time we learned how to get Flask set up. In this article we will learn how to add a database to our music data website. As you might recall, Flask is a micro-web-framework. That means it doesn't come with an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) like Django does. If you want to add database interactivity, […]

Flask 101: Getting Started

December 12, 2017 by Mike
The Flask 101 series is my attempt at learning the Flask microframework for Python. For those who haven't heard of it, Flask is micro web framework for creating web applications in Python. According to their website, Flask is based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. For this series of articles, I wanted to create […]

Using pyGal Graphs in Flask

April 16, 2015 by Mike
I recently took on a project where I needed to graph some data on a webpage using data I had queried from a database. Since I love Python, I decided to use it to accomplish this task. I went with Flask for serving the webpage and pygal for creating the graphs. In this tutorial, I […]
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