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Tag: Python

Real Python for Web Development Book on Kickstarter

February 19, 2013 by Mike
Last week I was contacted about a cool sounding book project on Kickstarter: Real Python for Web Development, featuring web2py by Michael Herman. I have to admit that I'm not familiar with Mr. Herman or the person who originally contacted me about the book, but since I enjoy reading Python books and this one sounded […]

Python Gets Funded by DARPA for Big Data Project: Blaze

February 14, 2013 by Mike
I first heard about Blaze from NumPy's original developer's blog back in December 2012. A few days ago, InformationWeek announced that DARPA was funding the project to the tune of $3 million dollars to get some big data libraries written for Python. There will be two new projects, Blaze and Bokeh. Blaze will be an […]

Book Review: Python For Kids - A Playful Introduction to Programming

January 29, 2013 by Mike
I was approached by a representative from No Starch Press, the publisher of Python For Kids, to review their book. They provided me with a free dead tree copy and an eBook (PDF) version. This book appears to be in direct competition with Manning's

How to Get a List of Class Attributes in Python

January 11, 2013 by Mike
The other day, I was trying to figure out if there was an easy way to grab a class's defined attributes (AKA "instance variables"). The reason was that we were using the attributes we created to match up with the fields in a file we parse. So basically we read a file line-by-line and each […]

Top Ten Articles of 2012

January 10, 2013 by Mike
I forgot to get this article done for the first of the year as I have in the past. I hope you find some interesting reading material from this tardy post. I also hope my readers have had wonderful holidays and are looking forward to the upcoming year! Note: I use Google Analytics to help […]

Python 101: How to Move Files between Servers

October 26, 2012 by Mike
If you do much system administration, then you know that sometimes you have to write scripts that can move files between servers. I'm not really a system administrator by trade, but I did have to do this sort of thing in some of my programs anyway. Python has several 3rd party packages that provide this […]
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