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Tag: Python

wxPython: Creating a Simple MP3 Player

April 20, 2010 by Mike
Last month, I started a series of articles on creating simple applications with wxPython. The first couple of articles were on an Image Viewer program. While I won't abandon that project, I thought it was time for us to delve into something new. In this article we will start a journey into the wild and […]

How to Take a Screenshot of Your wxPython App and Print it

April 16, 2010 by Mike
Have you ever thought that it would be cool to have your wxPython code take a screenshot of itself? Well, Andrea Gavana figured out a cool way to do just that and between what he told us on the wxPython mailing list and what I learned from other sources, you will soon learn how to […]

Python Text-to-Speech: Making Your PC Talk

April 2, 2010 by Mike
Soon after getting hired at my current job, my boss sent me a script (which I think was based on this article) about Python and a certain text-to-speech module called pyTTS. This was right after Python 2.5 had released. Anyway, it's basically a nice wrapper over the win32com module which can communicate with the Microsoft […]

Getting Photo Metadata (EXIF) Using Python

March 28, 2010 by Mike
Last week, I was trying to find out how to get my photo's metadata. I had noticed that Windows could display the camera model, creation date and lots of other data on my photos, but I couldn't remember what that data was called. I finally found what I was looking for. The term is EXIF […]

Python's _winreg: Editing the Windows Registry

March 20, 2010 by Mike
Python's standard library is known for including lots of handy modules and packages that can be used without installing anything else. That's one of the primary reasons that its standard library is called "batteries included" so often. So it should come as no surprise that Python includes a Windows only module for editing the Windows […]

wxPython: An Introduction to Grids

March 18, 2010 by Mike
The grid widget in wxPython is one of the most complex GUI elements that you'll work with in this toolkit. In this article you will learn the basics of grid creation and usage. One of the major uses for a grid is to display tabular data. Another use is to create some kind of spreadsheet. […]
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