Steve Holden gave a talk on where Python is at Friday afternoon. For those not in the know, Holden is the current chairman of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). His first topic was about the PSF and how few member it had as well as how they were planning to add additional members at this […]
New programmers start using Python and wxPython each week. So it follows that every few months, I see people asking how to redirect stdout to a wx.TextCtrl on comp.lang.python or the wxPython mailing list. Since this is such a common question, I thought I would write an article about it. Regular readers will know that […]
September 27, 2008 by
Mike I recently started a Python Users Group for Iowa as there didn't seem to be one and I thought it would be fun. We had our first meeting last Wednesday, the 24th of September, 2008. We had eight people there, including myself. Of that group, only half knew how to program in Python. Thus, we […]
As planned, I copied some of my tutorials to the official wxPython wiki. Currently I only have the sizer tutorials over there. I am working on a series that will show how to build a simple application from the ground up. Hopefully I can take the bits and pieces of it and make it easy […]
In this tutorial, I will take my code from the GridSizer tutorial I wrote the other day and heavily modify it to display oddly shaped widgets in a GridBagSizer. The GridBagSizer is the most complex of the sizers. It subclasses the FlexGridSizer, so you can use all of it's parent's methods as well as those […]
One of the first scripts I had to help translate from Kixtart to Python was our map drives script. In it, we would map drives based on either which group the user was in and/or what a custom registry entry said. Here is a partial example of each of these categories in Kixtart: IF READVALUE("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyOrg", […]