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Tag: wxPython

wxPython Documentation

December 5, 2010 by Mike
When I originally started this blog, it was mostly a brain dump on my part so I wouldn't forget how I did something cool with Python. Later on, I decided to use it to also document what I considered under-documented portions of wxPython. If my posts drew enough interest, I would also re-work the post […]

wxPython: Keyboard Shortcuts (Accelerators)

December 2, 2010 by Mike
Almost any computer power user will want to use keyboard shortcuts (AKA: accelerators) to get their work done. Fortunately for us, wxPython provides a way to accomplish this very easily using an Accelerator Table via the wx.AcceleratorTable class. In this article we will look at a couple examples to see how this is accomplished.

wxPython: An XRCed Tutorial

October 28, 2010 by Mike
If you're new to wxPython but not new to XML, you might find this article useful to you. Why? Because wxPython supports XRC, an XML file format that describes the GUI in XML, duh. In fact, wxPython's Documentation & Demos package includes an editor just for creating and manipulating these files that is called, XRCed. […]

The wxPython Demo

October 15, 2010 by Mike
The wxPython project is one of the most popular and easy to use Python GUI toolkit. It wraps the popular C++ wxWidgets project using SWIG. It is also the only cross-platform toolkit that I am aware of that uses the native widgets on each platform wherever possible (for better or for worse). Some like to […]

wxPython: PyPlot - Graphs with Python

September 27, 2010 by Mike
Some people learn through doing it, others are better with visual stimuli. At least, that's what we're told. So in the spirit of what we've been taught, we're going to take a look at the visual half of the equation and see how we can make graphs with wxPython. You may not know this, but […]

wxPython: A Simple Notebook Example

September 15, 2010 by Mike
The other day, I received a complaint that my original notebook example in my Book control series was too complicated. I don't really write just n00b-friendly articles and never claimed to, but this comment rankled, so I decided to write a super simple example for the wxPython newbies. I hope you like it!
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